
Welcome! Glad you made it.

We’re a recovery site that puts the focus on Rule 62: Don’t take yourself too damn seriously.

Whether you’ve been sober for decades or just trying to survive your first 24 hours, we’re here to remind you that laughter is a crucial tool—right up there with coffee and calling your sponsor.

“Websites are hard.
They’re harder when you don’t know what you’re doing.
Please be patient while we figure this thing out”

– The Glumlotz

While discussing amends

I handed my family a big bag of shit and blamed them for having it!

Alanon Quote

Well…I guess I’m flattered that you think I have that much power.

Alanon Quote

You’ve gotta let them do their own work..You can’t peel someone else’s onion.

Alanon Quote

Just because you’ve blocked them, doesn’t mean you’ve gotten over it.

Alanon Quote:

I can play the game of “can you guess what I’m mad at”?

On the 3rd Step:

“I can’t think of a time that I’ve ever just been “ok” with what’s been going on..”

From a newcomer working through the steps:

Man….it’s hard being an alcoholic sometimes!

Young AA on being a "sober woman":

“I don’t know man…I like to cuss and spit. I burp and don’t even say ‘sorry’!”


“We were doing ok. I just stopped paying my rent when I started smoking crack.”

Heard in the rooms:

“I didn’t do it immediately, but I did it quickly after immediately.”

In the Spirit of Anonymity, we’ll leave out names and faces of actual content contributors.

However, here is a glimpse at our trusted support staff. Except for that kid, he sucks.


Darth V.

Fallen Jedi / Chosen one. He’s definitely a drunk, claims to be a Dark Lord of the Sith.


Shiv R.N. Denizen

This guy helps keep the toilet paper dispensers in service. Also a drunk..

Food Services

Hairy Carry

This is the guy we send for burritos occasionally. Probably a drunk, definitely a bad driver. Cool guy though.

Punk Ass Kid

Rides Bike In My Neighborhood

This is the smart ass kid I was telling everyone about. He helps me practice the 10th Step.

Don’t be a glumlot.

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